Hello and welcome to the world of epic music! My name is Christoph Rauch, a German composer and music producer based in the Netherlands. As a media composer, I specialize in creating emotional and cinematic orchestral music for film and television. My extensive experience in the industry includes scoring numerous YouTube videos and short films, composing music for the game ‘Snowlight’, and having my stock music featured on the cartoon series ‘Pincode’, which aired on CCTV.

I am passionate about creating music that evokes emotions and tells a story, and my work has been influenced by greats such as Thomas Bergersen, Hans Zimmer, and Eternal Eclipse. Whether it’s light and happy music in the style of Tom Howe, or hybrid/electronic orchestral music like 2WEI, I am always open to diversifying my work and exploring new avenues.

To bring my compositions to life, I use a wide range of virtual instruments, including Spitfireaudio SSO Core, Albion One, Motion Strings, Intimate Strings, Abbey Road Low Strings, Intimate Piano, Audio Imperia Areia Strings, MusicSampling Trailer Strings and TrailerBrass, AizerX Hits and others, Heavyocity Damage 2 / NOVO Rhythmic Strings / NOVO Strings / Mosaic Series, Embertones’ Solo strings, 8Dio Anthology Strings, effects, hybrid tools, guitars, rhythmic instruments, solo cello, Equinox, epic drums, and more. I also utilize industry-standard plugins such as Waves audio plugins, Izotopes Neutron and Ozone, and PluginAlliance’s Bass_Synth and Shadowhills Class A Comp for mixing and mastering.

My music is not limited to any particular genre or style. Whether you need emotional and dramatic orchestral music for a feature film or a happy and upbeat jingle for an advertisement, I can create customized compositions tailored to your needs. I am also experienced in producing production music for licensing on platforms like Pond5 and Jamendo.

If you are a filmmaker, television producer, or advertising agency in need of high-quality music for your project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. I am always open to new collaborations and projects and would love to work with you to bring your vision to life. You can also visit my website to listen or purchase my music and immerse yourself in the world of epic orchestral music.

I primarily write and produce music of all sorts, for emotional content, short films and happy advertising songs as well as production music for Pond5 and Jamendo.

I am open for any cooperation and projects.  Also, you can get in touch for mixing or customized compositions tailored to your film/ campaign.

Please visit my website to listen or purchase my music and immerse yourself in the world of epic orchestral music.

For feedback, remarks and license requests, please get in touch.


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